Saturday, November 8, 2014

Five Minute Friday: Turn

Joining in with the group over at Five Minute Friday this week. This week's prompt is "turn."

When do I get a turn? Why do I have to wait for my turn? Do we always have to wait for our turn?

We don't wait well for our turn. We get impatient when we're waiting. It doesn't come naturally to us to wait for our turn. 

Yet we often find ourselves having to wait until it is our turn for things. We're standing in line waiting for our turn. Or maybe we've heard something from God about what is coming in our future, but we still have to wait for our turn for it to happen, because someone else is in that role right now.

Maybe we often need to wait our turn because God has something He wants to teach us in the waiting. Instead of getting impatient while we wait for our turn, maybe we need to learn to look for what God is teaching while we wait.


  1. Hi Tamara, I'm visiting from #fiveminutefriday today. I love this insight here:"Maybe we often need to wait our turn because God has something He wants to teach us in the waiting". Amen! I can also appreciate how hard waiting for things can be and the frustration and impatience that can result in the interim period. Yet God's ways and timing are the best for our ultimate good, aren't they? Blessings to you. :) x

    1. Thanks for the comment.
      God's ways and timing are definitely always for our ultimate good... we just may not always see them that way in the moment.

  2. Great thoughts, And sometimes being impatient just gets in the way and hence we think we have to wait our turn. Dropping by from #fiveminutefriday

    1. Thanks for the comment.
      It's true... our impatience does get in the way.

  3. We can be so impatient for things. Sometimes I think not giving us a turn, is one of the best ways that He teaches us. Thank you for your words today.

    1. Thanks for the comment.
      Yes, that is definitely one way He teaches us.
