Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Fix Your Thoughts

"Because He himself suffered when He was tempted, He is able to help those who are being tempted." (Hebrews 2:18)

I think we would all say we're familiar with what it's like to be tempted. We all struggle with it.

That makes this verse from Hebrews more of an encouragement and comfort for us. Jesus understands when we come to Him, because He's experienced it. He never gave into the temptation, but He knows what it's like to face it.

Sometimes I think the chapter divisions in our Bibles can cause us to miss some important thinks. And I feel like this is one of those times. I know I've missed it until recently.

Hebrews 3:1 gives us a clear way that we can find this help in our temptation:
"Therefore, holy brothers and sisters, who share in the heavenly calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus, whom we acknowledge as our apostle and high priest."

When we're fixing our thoughts on Jesus, temptations lose their allure. They no longer have the same pull on us. We can't focus on them and on Jesus at the same time. It's just not possible.

So, how do we fix our thoughts on Jesus?

It's easy to say as the solution, but we need to know what it actually looks like. Without the practical side, it can be easy to just end up defeated again.

So, what does it look like to practically fix our thoughts on Jesus?

In the moment, it may begin with calling out the name of Jesus. When the temptation feels strong, simply saying His Name changes things. It moves our eyes and our thoughts to a new place.

We can also choose to play worship music to change our focus in the moment when we're struggling.

I think it also means being proactive. Paying attention to the choices you're making. Making choices that are pleasing to God.

None of this means, we'll never struggle again. That would be nice, but it's not the reality we live with. We will continue to battle temptation as long as we walk on earth. We continue to make the choice to fix our thoughts on Jesus - on a moment by moment, daily basis.

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