Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Space for Quiet

 Do you ever make space for quiet in your life?

I started wondering this as I sat outside a coffee shop (where I have been spending a lot of time the last few months).

When I arrived, there was a loud truck cleaning out the grease trap of a nearby restaurant. The noise of the truck was all you could hear for a while.

When the truck finished & drove away, I was struck by the quiet that descended & the things it had drowned out.

The chirping of the bird hopping across the sidewalk, looking for crumbs dropped by customers.

The laughter in the conversations around me.

The leaves of the trees rustling in the gentle breeze.

The little things you only notice when it gets quiet.

This made me start to wonder about our spiritual lives & hearing what God might be saying to us.

We say we want to hear God's voice. but we have so much noise going on in our lives that it becomes easy to miss His voice. There isn't a moment when we actually slow down enough, where we turn off the noise to hear.

Even if our noise is good things, it can interfere with hearing God's voice if we don't ever turn it off.

Do you make space for quiet in your life?

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