Thursday, September 27, 2012

paying attention

It's been one of those times recently where everywhere I turn the same thing keeps coming up. Whether it's a sermon at church, a book I read, a blog I follow, a conversation with a friend . . . it seems like the same thing keeps coming up. One thing I've learned is that when that happens, I need to pay attention, because it usually means God is trying to say some thing to me.

And when God is saying something that's definitely the time I want to be listening to Him. Even if what He's saying isn't what I really want to hear, it's always what I need to hear. It's worth listening when He speaks. Sometimes what He's saying can change everything in a big way. But, often what He's saying changes little things in your everyday and that changes everything too.

How are you doing at paying attention to what God is speaking about in your life?

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