Friday, January 3, 2014

Five Minute Friday: Fight

It's back. Five Minute Friday. Joining in with the group over at Lisa-Jo Baker's blog for five minutes of writing on the given word for the week. No editing. No over-thinking. Then share it here and join up with the rest over at the blog to share it there as well. This week's word is "fight."

In 2 Timothy 4:8, Paul says, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." When I read this verse, I've always wondered what Paul meant when he said he had fought the good fight. The more I think about it, the more I realize just how significant these words from Paul are.

As a follower of Christ, we are engaged in a battle we can't see every minute of every day. We have to fight the good fight all the time. The fight that we join in when we choose to follow Jesus with our lives.

The battle is only over when our time on this earth is done. Until that point, we fight the good fight like Paul did.

What does it mean to fight the good fight?

It means we choose to follow and obey God even when other things look more tempting and more fun.

It means we choose to follow and obey God even when it doesn't make sense.

It means we choose to follow and obey God no matter what it costs us.

It's not easy to fight the good fight, but I think Paul and many other who have gone before us would say that it is worth it.

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