Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Overflowing with Hope

 Can we overflow with hope?

Paul wasn't done talking about hope to the Romans in chapter 8. He references it at least twice more before the end of the book.

Romans 12:12 says:

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer."

At first I found it a little strange that all of these were put together. But, I think they actually often go together in life.

Hope is often challenged by our circumstances. But it's something we can still have. As we keep praying and seeking God through all of the challenging things life brings our way, our hope can remain and we can find joy.

That brings me to one more reference to hope. Romans 15:13 says:

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit who is in you."

Hope isn't something we have to try to come up with on our own. That's a relief. Because I'd have very little hope most of the time if it all depended on me.

We serve a God of hope and He has given us the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit fills us with hope.

Our job is to choose to trust.

That's what makes hope feel hard so often. We don't trust easily. We don't want to trust anyone or anything but ourselves.

For hope to live in us and overflow from us, we have to choose to trust God daily - sometimes minute-by-minute.

Where are you placing your trust?

Do you choose to trust God daily, so that you can be filled to overflowing with hope?

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