Tuesday, August 28, 2012

never alone

Last weekend I ended up with a couple of lines from a song we sang at Women of Faith stuck in my head. They have stayed in my head since then. I don't know the name of the song they are from. But I have heard the song before.

Never once did we ever walk alone. Never once did He leave us on our own.

There's a great truth about God contained in those words. God never leaves us alone no matter what we're walking through. He is there with us when we don't know He is. God doesn't leave us to figure it out on our own.

That doesn't mean God won't allow us to try it on our own if we insist. He won't force His way on us. But, He will be there waiting for when we choose to allow Him to guide us.

I don't know about you, but I need this reminder that God doesn't leave me to walk on my own obviously in the bad times, but I need it in the good times too. When life seems to be going wrong and things are hard, this is a truth I can cling to. But when life is good, I can start feeling like it's all me that is making that happen, but then I am reminded that I don't walk in those times either. I'm reminded to praise God for His goodness to me.

I've realized this in the last couple of years as I've stepped out into doing things God has asked me to do. It's been a good time in my life, but as I stepped out I needed the reminder of the truth that God walks with me in that too.

So, what about you? What do these words mean to you today in the midst of your good time or your bad time?

Never once did we ever walk alone. Never once did He leave us on our own.

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