Friday, July 12, 2013

Five Minute Friday: Present

Joining in with Five Minute Friday over at Lisa-Jo Baker's blog again this week. Today's word is "present."

In our world of smart phones and instant communication, it can be very easy to be distracted and forget about the people right in from of you. We forget the power of being present in the moment and place where we are.

Being present is important. We feel valued and loved when the person in front of us is present with us - rather than constantly checking their phone for the next message.

It's in being present that we notice the important things in life. And that we notice the people around us who are important to us.

When we walk through life feeling unnoticed by the people we care about and who are supposed to care about us, we can easily get discouraged. It makes us feel unimportant and unloved when people don't seem to feel the need to be present when they are with us.

How are you doing at being present with the people right in front of you?

Are you present with them? Or are you distracted by the instant communication our world is constantly putting in our faces?

Five Minute Friday is five minutes of writing on the word for the week. No editing or back-tracking
or over-thinking. Just sharing what comes to mind from the heart.


  1. Hi Tamara,
    Stopping in from FMF today! I loved your thought that we feel valued and loved when the people with us are truly with us! It's a gift to receive that and a challenge to give it. Thanks for sharing.

    1. hanks fro your comment. Someone being present truly is a gift to receive and a challenge to give.

  2. I don't think I have been doing very well with being present with my kids recently. I have been focused on emptying boxes (We just moved.) and not breaking away to enjoy them. The boxes do need attention, but my children need my focused attention too. Good words.

    1. For sure . . . it's always a balancing act to deal with what needs to be done and still be present for the people we love.
      Thanks for the comment.

  3. Hi Tamara, this is exactly what came to my mind as well. The good and bad of technology it is such a balancing act. Thanks for sharing!
