Friday, July 25, 2014

Five Minute Friday: Finish

It's a phrase I've heard often. A statement made. A wish declared.

Finish well.

We talk about finishing well. On a project. With a job. In a ministry we've been serving in.

We use it to describe someone who lived life well right to the end.

Finish well.

We use the phrase often, but do we really mean the same thing every time? Does each person who uses it mean the same thing every time?

What does it mean to finish well?

I'm brought back to the words of the Apostle Paul in 2 Timothy 4:7, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." Paul wrote the letter near the end of his life, and these were the words he had to say. Paul knew that he has finished well.

When Paul spoke of finishing well, he was talking about faithfully serving God to the end. Paul knew that he had followed God and served God the best he knew how to do.

When I think of finishing well, that's what I think of. Serving God. Living my life for Him completely. Following God the best I can.

Joining in with Five Minute Friday again this week. The word for this week is "finish."


  1. Stopping by from FMF. Thanks for your words! I hope that I can be like Paul, knowing I finished well.

  2. "When I think of finishing well, that's what I think of. Serving God. Living my life for Him completely. Following God the best I can." Amen and amen, Tamara. Your wise words provide a clear description of what it means to "finish well." Thank you. Visiting from Five Minute Friday.
