Tuesday, December 4, 2018

When Life Changes in Ways You Don't Understand

As December approached, I had plans for what my posts leading up to Christmas would be about. I was hoping that I would have some thoughts on Christmas and what it looks like as we approach this time.

But, that isn't what happened. As I've been processing life and what some of the things happening in my family mean right now, I've found that I wasn't yet moving towards Christmas in my mind. I was, and am, still processing some changes in my family and relationships with one another.

Often, as I wrestle with changes like this, I find that I turn to poetry as a way to make sense of all that is going through my mind. I don't always share this poetry and I wrestled with whether or not I would share this one. The more I've thought about it, the more pulled toward sharing it I've become.

In these last months I've seen big changes in what it looks like with my grandparents. They've always been an important part of my life, and things look very different now than what they've looked like so far. And it hasn't been an easy journey to be walking. I feel like I've lost so much of what I've always loved and valued with them, even though they're still here. 

This particular poem is part of processing what those changes look like with my Grandma.

I see you there
 Frustrated by what life's become
Betrayed by your mind
Held back by your body

A mind once so alive
Now struggles to understand
A body once so able
Now refuses to do what it should

Golfing, baking, playing with us
You were always there
Laughter and tears, hugs freely given
A safe place to run

Faith always valued
I knew you were praying
Wherever I was
God's love you shared

I see you there
And I love you still
You'll always be with me
Memories deep in my heart

Grandma, I love you
Feels not enough
Words can't express
Just how I feel

I see you there
Waiting for heaven
To be free of these struggles
Fully healed and released

I miss you already
Something doesn't seem right
This world's unfairness
Has stolen your light

I know where you're going
But I'm not ready yet
I want to hold tightly
To not let you go

I treasure it all
Every hug, every smile
Every thing you came to
Every card that you wrote

I see you there
I choose to let go
Trusting our Savior
Who loves you the most

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