Wednesday, December 19, 2018

When You Just Want to Avoid Christmas

As I started thinking about Christmas posts earlier this year and planning for what I would write, I had plans of what I would talk about. But, then a few things began happening with my extended family, and all those nice thoughts of Christmas posts went out the window.

The truth is, that as Christmas has approached, I've really wished it would just be done. Most mornings I wake up wishing it was 2019 already, and all of this was done. It's not that I want to skip the celebration of the birth of the promised Messiah, Jesus. It's just that all the rest that comes with Christmas these days is hard this year.

If we could just have the "religious" part of Christmas (for lack of a better word), and leave all the rest, that would be my desire this year. Things have changed in hard ways in my family in the last six months, and that's also emphasized some of the dysfunctional parts of our family that we try to hide. It's been hard and at times I've just wanted to skip it all.

But, as Christmas draws closer, I've been challenged on how I'm responding in the middle of the hard. If I keep focusing on what's hard, then I'm going to dread Christmas and all that comes with it.

But, that doesn't have to be my choice. I can choose to focus on the good things. To focus on the people who are here, rather than the people who won't be on Christmas. To focus on what we're actually celebrating. And to look for the joy and laughter in the midst of it all.

I'm realizing that it really does come down to a choice. And it's my choice. So, even though I still sometimes feel like I just want to avoid all of Christmas, I'm choosing to change my focus for these last days before Christmas.

I don't know where you're at, or what you're thinking about as Christmas approaches this year, but whatever space you find yourself in this year, can I encourage you to think about where you're focusing. Maybe it's fine where it is, or maybe it needs to change.

And, my you find joy and laughter, and the true meaning of what Christmas is all about. Our God came to be with us, to save us.

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