Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Stop Hiding

We all have things we do that we want to keep secret. We don't want anyone else to find out about them. We'll do whatever we can to keep them hidden away.

But, what if, in doing this, we miss out on what God has for us? What if we're missing out on all that God wants to do?

A Bible teacher I was listening to recently shared a quote from a book she was reading that really stuck with me. I looked up the book only to discover it's out of print, so getting it for myself is a bit more challenging, but the quote is still worth thinking about.

"Whatever I cover up with I'm left with but what I open up receives not only the revealing of God but the healing of God." (Reuben Welch, We Really Do Need Each Other)

In these words, Welch challenges us on why we keep things hidden and covered up. We think we're making a good choice when we do that. We think we're doing what is best. But, we're missing out on something greater that comes with making a choice to stop hiding it.

When we allow God to expose those hidden things, He is able to bring His healing into our lives. We experience healing when we allow God to reveal what we would rather keep hidden.

It's scary to do that. We feel exposed. But, the truth is, God already knows it anyways. And if other people find out in the process, that can also be part of God's plan for our healing.

What are you hiding? What are you covering up?

Are you willing to reveal it God, and maybe to others, to experience God's healing in that area of your life?

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