Tuesday, February 4, 2020

The Most Important Part of Friendship

"I don't have time to get involved in that group."
"I'm too busy to spend time with others."
"I would have people over, but my house isn't good/spacious/nice/etc enough for that."

How many times have you said things like this? Or something similar to them?

Maybe you stopped with just saying you didn't have time or if you were too busy, but how would you have finished those statements if you actually completed the thought?

I've said all of those things at different times.

But, guess what?

All of them are just excuses not to try.

Maybe that sounds a bit harsh, but I think it's true. When we really want to do something, we make time. We also make time when it's something we really need to do.

So, the same thing is true about making time for friendship, for community. It we really understood our need for it, we would make the time. If we really desire it, we will make the time.

I think part of our problem, is that we think it needs to complicated.

But, the truth is, it's simple.

All it takes is time.

It doesn't have to be complicated or fancy. And it doesn't have to have a cost.

The only requirement is time.

The best times I've had with friends have been the simplest.

In his book 7 Myths About Singleness Sam Allberry, talks about the simplicity of it this way:
"We must never underestimate what can be achieved for the kingdom of God around the kitchen table. It is a place God loves to use."
Some of the best times I've had with my friends have happened sitting around the table. The food on the table didn't matter, because that wasn't the important part. Sometimes the game that was on the table didn't matter, because that wasn't the important part either.

The important part was that we were together. We were taking time to be together, to build friendship with each other.

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