Sunday, June 2, 2013

Worth it to be a Work in Progress

I've been thinking more about the post I wrote a few days ago about being a work in progress.

While it's true I'd rather be a work in progress than an unfinished project the Artist has given up on, that doesn't mean being a work in progress is easy or pain free.

Being a work in progress means God is changing me in what He has for me. That might be hard sometimes. That might hurt sometimes.

Like a potter, God might sometimes need to go back to the beginning with us and reshape what we look like. Or He might need to paint over all that has been put on the canvas to create a new picture of us. Those times when God does that aren't easy.

They're hard and can be painful as God takes away the lies we've held so dearly, so He can tell us the truth.

They're hard and can be painful as God takes away the habits that fill our time, so He can give us new things to fill that time.

They're hard and can be painful as God takes away the thoughts that fill our minds, so He can replace them with the Holy Spirit filling us.

But the end is worth the pain and the hard road, because the end is the beautiful masterpiece of the Master Artist.

Being God's work in progress means the final result will always be better than we could ever imagine, because God is the Master Artist and His work is always perfect in the end.

"For we are God's masterpiece, created in Christ Jesus . . ." (Ephesians 2:10)

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