Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Conversations We Don't Know We Needed to Have

Have you ever had a conversation that you didn't even realize was important for you at this time?

Have you ever had a conversation where you need to explain less about something because the other person has a better understanding of what you're talking about then some other people you have similar conversations with?

I recently had one of those conversations with a friend I hadn't seen in a while. It wasn't planned. We didn't say this was exactly what we would talk about when we got together. But, as we talked, our conversation naturally went in that direction for a while. And it was exactly what I needed, that I didn't know I needed. I needed to be able to talk about it with someone who gets it. I only realized it as I drive home that evening.

In our world of instant messages, blogs, and social media, I think we often miss out on these conversations. This topic likely wouldn't have come up if we hadn't been sitting in the same space seeing each other. It wasn't a conversation that could happen in a hurry.

I've written about the topic here a lot in the last few months. And while it's been helpful to write about it here, there was still something about being able to talk about it with someone who is living it too. And it was needed.

In the time since this conversation, I've been reflecting on our need to create space for these types of conversations. Conversations where we put down our phones. Where we sit in the same space as another person. Where we move beyond the more surface-y stuff, that's not bad but can't be where we always stay, and talk about the reality of what life is really like.

We need these conversations with people whose life experience and circumstance is similar to ours. And with people whose life experience and circumstance is different than ours.

How are you creating space for these types of conversations in your life?

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